First Lines

It's notIt's not that I'm without rage about a great many topics, it's just that I'm so very close to finishing the first draft of my fabulously freaky Young Adult Novel, Cycler, that I haven't had time to blog with the gusto the endeavour deserves. So I'm going to borrow a fun idea from the wickedly talented, Charles Stross by way of the equally talented and cute-as-a-button John Scalzi, and print a list of first lines from all the projects currently in progress at my little Hackney writing factory. I invite all writers (and non-writers too) to add their first lines. Then someone can write a program that will turn these first lines into a full fledged novel and we can all take a much deserved break.And then I promise I'm going to blog about peak oil, which you should all start being afraid now. No, wait. Now.FIRST LINES:The party had been a bore.Marta remembered the day the crows arrived.They say you can't change your past.Butterflies: the most overrated animals in the world.Answering the phone was Susan Hormel's first of four mistakes that day.Beneath her, the Avenue simmered as Tracy's neighbors fled their brick tenements into the imagined safety of the hot July morning.“Hey Edwards, you hear the one about the meat who shipped himself from New York to Dallas in a box? In a friggin’ box?”Martin was a mouth breather.I didn’t believe in angels, but I couldn’t explain these women either.


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