Underqualified? You're hired!
So let's just get this straight. Harriet Miers, George Bush's nominee to replace Sandra Day O'Connor on the Supreme Court has no judicial experience whatsoever. Is it me or is the very idea of professionalism disappearing down a sinkhole of contrived folksiness?Here we have a President who I believe was elected because he was perceived to be "a regular guy," especially when compared to those pointy-headed policy wonks, Al Gore and John Kerry. We have a FEMA director who has drowned in the tidal surge of his own incompetence and now we have a Supreme Court Nominee with no court experience. What's next? A Surgeon General with no medical experience? An atheist pope?Shouldn't the people elected or appointed to positions of extreme authority and responsibility have, oh I don't know, qualifications? What kind of society are we haphazardly evolving when the best means of rising to the top is to befriend buffoons with loyalty obsessions?Or maybe I'm missing something. Maybe expertise itself is part of an elaborate scam by liberal elites to lord their imagined superiority over the regular joes and janes of this great country. Maybe a horse show reject can run FEMA. Maybe a non-judge deserves a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land. Maybe instead of going to the doctor for a check up, I'll just ask some guy on the street if he thinks I'm healthy.