Read this Book. Now!

I wasI was hoping to have something smart to say today about Peak Oil, but instead I find myself too scared by the concept to write anything but Aaaaaagghhhhh!!!Instead, I am going to recommend a book.Magic for Beginners is a short story collection by Kelly Link and following are several reasons you must read it.1. You love short stories. Yes you do. You only think you don't. But you do. Really.2. Sometimes zombies represent abstract concepts. Sometimes zombies are zombies. Truthfully, we live in a twisted waking dreamstate wedged between those realities. This book is a map of that dreamstate.3. "Stone Animals" may be the best short story I have ever read and is without question the most riveting page-turner I've read in years.4. Like many, you may need a periodic reminder that Science Fiction/Fantasy/Speculative Fiction (or whatever we're calling it these days) is the most relevant (if underappreciated) form of literature being written.5. You either have worked or have known someone who has worked in retail.6. I rarely recommend books because I am rarely pleased with them. This one knocks my socks off.Buy it here or here and thank me later.Then we'll discuss peak oil.


First Lines


That Ought to Fix Things