Down but not out

Here isHere is some misinformation:Condoms only protect against HIV/AIDS eighty-five percent of the time.Abortion increases a woman's chance of getting breast cancer eight-hundred percent.People who have premarital sex suffer lowered oxytocin levels, which impedes their ability to form a lasting marital bond.Birth control actually increases the level of unplanned pregnancies and abortions.Where does this misinformation come from? Why it comes from Eric Keroack, the newly appointed Deputy Assistant Secretary of Population Affairs, which is a division of the Department of Health and Human Services.Who appointed him?W.Let's be clear. This isn't some otherwise qualified public health official who happens to have some wacky, but ultimately irrelevant, opinions on family planning. This guy's job is to oversee the Title X Family Planning Program.Was the president not chastened by the mid-term elections? Does he think he can continue appointing baboons to important government posts? Is he out of his ever-loving mind?Or is he just a garden variety Christian nut-job who likes to hang out with same? Somebody please impeach this joker.


Sissyboys and tomboy girls unite


Madre de Dios