The Real Rosa Parks

Science fiction writerScience fiction writer/blogger extraordinaire, Claire Light, who blogs regularly for Other Magazine has just had her seering expose of the whitewashing of Rosa Parks' bio reprinted in Pop and Politics.Lest we all delude ourselves that nation changing political movements happen more or less spontaneously because of gentle actions by simple people, we'd do well to remind ourselves that Rosa Parks knew exactly what she was doing. And more power to her for it.I was going to mention the similarity the Rosa Parks whitewashing has with the whitewashing of Mother Theresa. But then I'd have to remind people that MT was not some kindly old nun but a deluded pro-life extremist who made her clinic patients endure unspeakable pain because, in her sadistic worldview, anesthesia is "coddling." But nobody likes nun-bashing, so I'll just leave that part out.Read Claire's article though and fall more deeply in love with Rosa Parks.


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