Holy Cow It's a New Decade?

Where have I been?I guess I'm a little overtaxed these days what with a new baby, a much-abused novel deadline, moving, and various other pursuits. But the internets have recently informed me that the present decade (the noughties? the zeroes? What did we end up calling it?) is coming to an end, and a shiny new one is about to begin.A lot has happened to me personally in this decade but apparently the rest of you were out there doing stuff too, and since I am the Mistress of Meta, it falls upon me to deliver some insightful conclusions about what you were up to.So....1) You permitted the internet to insinuate itself into your personal life in ways you never would have dreamed possible. You became dependent on Google, MapQuest, Facebook, and email. You are currently experimenting with Twitter and feel that, although it appears to be quite silly, you find it difficult to stay away. You rarely print photographs any more, choosing instead to share them with strangers, acquaintances, friends, co-workers, and fellow high school and college alumnae. You are considering starting your own youTube channel in order to share even more of your private life with said peeps who constitute your web-based fame circle. You are beginning to wonder why no one has written a Wikipedia article about you. By contrast, in the last decade, you got cable TV. That was about it.2) You earned a bucketful of strictly theoretical money in the stock market and/or real estate market, bought metric tons worth of shiny stuff on credit, and now, through no malfeasance on your own part, find yourself in debt, underwater, and/or unable to retire. On the plus side, bankers (whom you suspect--rightly--of being the palm-rubbing conspirators behind this frantic reversal of fortune) are still getting bonuses. You have begun reading up on the French Revolution.3) You discovered that approximately one half of the United States population is comprised of people so morally, philosophically, and culturally different from you that you can't believe we manage to share one interstate highway system--never mind one federal government. You think those people are completely insane and responsible for the impending downfall of the nation and probably western civilization as a whole if your own lot don't hurry up and do something about it.4) You almost never wear a belt any more. Your personal style has evolved to a degree of casual so laid back your great grandparents would have called it "wearing pajamas outside." This does not concern you in the least and you consider people who dress otherwise to be silly.5) You witnessed another war. No more comprehensible than any other war.I think that about covers it. Let me know if I've left anything out.


Playing God


Happy Holidays from McWoof Worldwide Enterprises