What I Suck At

The holidays are upon us. I'm generally lukewarm about Christmas but I've always enjoyed the annual delusion-fest of the New Year's Resolution. I have no recollection of any resolutions I've made in the past (except for that one time I resolved to find a boyfriend) so I can't report on what my track record is when it comes to following through. Still, it's as good a time as any to attempt self-improvement. And who doesn't need a little of that.To make the exercise more efficient and results-oriented, this year I've decided to begin by figuring out what my worst flaws are. As such, I've come up with the following list:1) Multi-tasking. I can't do it. If I attempt to exercise while making bread, I burn the bread. If I'm silently outlining my novel while you're talking to me, I'm ignoring you. Unfortunately, with a baby, a husband, a career, and a punishing travel schedule, multi-tasking is essential. Much room for improvement here.2) Focus. You'd think a person this incapable of multi-tasking would be undistractable, the kind of person who gets so deeply enmeshed in the task at hand that other tasks disappear. Think again. While I may be incapable of doing more than one task at a time, I'm very good at stressing about the tasks I'm currently not doing. This annoys me and everyone around me.3) Eyeliner. Every once in a while, I get it exactly right and can't believe how beguiling my eyes look. The rest of the time I look like an eight-year-old girl who just broke into her mother's make up drawer. At 42, I should know how to apply eyeliner by now. I consider this an embarrassing developmental delay.4) Nail biting. Is there any reason why I still do this? I get nothing out of it. It's unhygienic and silly. And yet, I can't resist.That's all I can think of for now. Undoubtedly there are more, but I'm so distracted now by the appalling state of my eye make up that I can't focus any more and need to go bite my nails.What do you suck at?


Happy Holidays from McWoof Worldwide Enterprises


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