You're All Winners...
... but, alas, I only have 3 copies of Cycler to give away today.Your answers to the question: if you discovered your significant other spent 4 days a month as a member of the opposite sex, how would you react? warmed my heart.So full of love and understanding, so ready to explore new realities and embrace the unexpected. If only the world had more people like all of you in it. It was very difficult to choose only three, but choose I must.So the winners are:Patrick, who writes: "isn’t this a true test of what love really is about? Loving a person for who they are and the ability to find a connection with a person that transcends gender?"Sarah, who writes: "Pray that those 4 days fall on days when (s)he’s not PMS-ing!"and Sam Willman, who writes: "I would finally have some time to be seen as “normal”. For 4 days a month I would like the opposite sex, and maybe not feel like such an outcast."Thanks to all for your thoughtful answers. And to the winners, congratulations and email your address to, for those of you dying to read Cycler right this second, I've posted a PDF of the first three chapters over there in the sidebar on the right. If you're reading this on Facebook or Open Salon, you may have to visit my actual website to see that (