And The Winners Are...

What an awesome response to my contest. You people must really like free books. Between Facebook, Open Salon, and just my regular blog, I got over forty entries and it was very difficult to choose only three.But choose I must.So here, in no particular order are the winners:1) Cari, who wrote:

I’d check and see if the amount on my paycheck automatically readjusted itself. Then, depending on how strongly hormones really affect behavior, I might hit on my friends.

2) Sandra, who wrote an entire short story, which I won't attempt to summarize here, but which can be found in the comments section of the original post. It included the line: "lock myself in my room, lie down on my bed, and commence some serious thought thinking." I really like that sentence.3) Maureen McCarthy Roy, who not only entered several times, but actually acquired the persona of a man and commandeered my blog for a while over on Facebook. Bravo, Maureen. I like your style.Congratulations to the winners. Email your addresses to and I'll get copies out in the mail to you right away.And to everyone else who entered, thank you, and might I suggest that you don't have to actually turn into a member of the opposite sex to have some, shall we say, fun with the idea. You know what I'm talking about, you dirty birds.And since this was so much fun, I'll be announcing another contest later on in the week to give away more free books.


More Free Books!

