It's possible that my daughter is not the supremely talented super-genius I originally thought she was. Don't get me wrong. Her deft handling of that creepy butterfly that hovers above her playmat was exemplary. It took me thirty-six years to deal with butterflies. Plus, not only does she love books, she can occasionally (if the conditions are just right) turn the pages herself.With her fist.But there's one thing she can't do. And it's a thing I always figured was one of those baby basics, a matter of instinct even.My baby can't suck her thumb.Oh, how she tries. Occasionally, she even manhandles it in there and has a few glorious sucks only to watch in horror as the thing flies out of her mouth as if it were at the mercy of a cruel puppeteer.What gives?Even fetuses can suck their thumbs.And what's a parent to do? Do I help her engineer a solution? Do I assist in her two-fist method of thumb control? I mean, doesn't a baby have a right to this one free indulgence?