The Prince of Darkness

File this under General Life Hacks.So Woofy and I moved into this nice loft a few months ago with floor to ceiling windows. Everyone loves floor to ceiling windows, right? So light. So lovely.Think again.These windows are so enormous, it would have cost us $10,000 to get curtains made for it. So we did what we always do. We went to Ikea. Ikea solves all problems, we thought, and it does so cheaply and with funny-sounding names.So up went the curtains.But every morning at 5AM light would flood in like molten lava. When you're up all night with a hungry baby, this is something akin to torture.So Woofy decided to take things into his own hands and wage all-out, full-scale war against light. Using only black electrical tape, foam core and garbage bags, he turned our bedroom into a crypt. When a beam of light dared to squeeze through somewhere, he got medieval on it. Light was, for all intents and purposes, banished from our sleeping quarters. It's so dark, in fact, I can not rule out the possibility that vampires have moved in. You wouldn't know. They wear dark clothes.Let me tell you, life has never been better. We all sleep through the night now and when we emerge from our crypt into the light half of our apartment, it's like being punched in the face by the sun. But in a good way.All of which makes me wonder how much sleep I've lost over the years by ignoring the obvious yet oft-ignored rule that light is the enemy of sleep.Do yourselves a favor, dear readers, learn from my mistakes. Be a prince of darkness (or just marry one if you're lazy like me). All it takes is some tape, some garbage bags, and full-fledged bad attitude toward your enemy, the sun.


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