Overused Plot Device #23

The Non-Understanding Spouse. Usually the wife. Is always complaining about the Offending Spouse being too devoted to work. Found in movies far too numerous to mention.Requisite scene: Offending spouse finally sits down to have a heart to heart with Non-Understanding Spouse to prove he or she (usually he) really really cares and is, like, totally there for Non-Understanding Spouse. Offending Spouse's cell phone rings and he or she (usually he) simply has to answer it. Non-Understanding Spouse shakes head in disappointment and hurt.Why this plot device blows:A) It's a cheap way to slop on an extra layer of tension in an otherwise lackluster plotB) You never actually sympathize with the Non-Understanding Spouse. He or she (usually she) is basically a self-centered cow (occasionally bull) who has no respect for the Offending Spouse's important workThat is all. Just got off a plane. V tired. Goodnight.


Jet Lag Revisited

