GM Psueo-Invents a Pseudo-Car
I love Dean Kamen, inventor of the Segway and all around fabulous innovator. But I think GM is playing a vicious joke on both him and us with this supposed "car" they're prototyping.It's called the P.U.M.A. for Personal Urban Mobility and Accessibility. But they should call it the P.I.D. for Personal Instrument of Death.You can't put a "car" like that on the streets of a real city. A single taxi cab will have it for breakfast.Not to mention, to quote the always-eloquent, Woofy, "You'd look like a total ass going around in one of those."You know what this is? It's another attempt by GM to pretend they're working on a "green" vehicle, while in actuality ensuring no one will ever, ever give up their real car.I live in a city. Two cities actually. And you would have to be severely deluded to believe that "driving" one of those is in anyway different from basically jogging in the middle of traffic.Dean, please don't be suckered by GM on this. Put your considerable talents to use on something better.And for any one interested in a truly brilliant "Urban Mobility" vehicle. How about feet? Or bikes with real bike lanes?