British Television...
... is filthy!And awesome. There I am with my husband after a long day at the mill. And we're both too brain tired to do anything but turn on the tube. What do we stumble across?The Sex Education Show.While we in the US are still arguing about abstinence "education" (a contradiction in terms, if you ask me), across the pond, Channel 4 is taking sex ed into their own hands with a blunt, unflinching examination of teen myths and ignorance about sex.Unfortunately, YouTube has turned off the embedding function because of adult content, but here's a link to a clip from one of the episodes.I confess to being slightly scandalized when I stumbled across this show. It did, after all, feature 5 completely naked men displaying their private parts before a class room full of teenage students. It's not often you see that on tv (or anywhere for that matter). But it was nothing short of revelatory watching the teenagers go from horror, to giggling, to curiosity, to honest questioning. The show revealed some really dangerous myths they had about sexuality as well as their tendency to seek out answers from porn.Porn is not a great way to learn about sex.But if adults aren't going to teach it, guess where kids are going to turn?Porn.So hat's (and pants) off to the United Kingdom for taking the great leap across the chasm of ignorance and giving kids the information they need to make healthy, safe choices about their lives.