Official Transhumanist Day
The Almighty Google informs me (in a deep booming voice) that several different groups have declared this day or that to be Transhumanist Day. Well forget all that. I declare April 25th to be Official Transhumanist Day (note the capital letters; that means it's for real).The reason for this date? The premiere of the highly-anticipated Ray Kurzweil documentary Transcendent Man at the Tribeca Film Festival.Check it:Ray Kurzweil, for those who remain in the dark about our collective cyborgian future, is the author of The Age of Spiritual Machines and many more books about technological evolution. He's also invented some amazing technology for the blind. But one of my favorite things about Kurzweil is the empowering philosphy at the heart of his worldview. Informed always by a rigorous devotion to science, it nevertheless embraces imagination and speculation about the future.