Cake--I mean, Change We Can Believe In

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My hopes for the next four years:Genuine UnityThe ups and downs of the campaign season have drawn our attention away from the economic catastrophe still unfolding in the country and the world. No administration can wave a magic wand and return us to the days of easy credit and pyramid wealth. Times will be tough for everyone. Our best hope of surviving these difficult times is through the embrace of shared sacrifice. Obama seems to understand this. Moreover, he is, at his very core, a uniter. I hope the nation wants to be united.Post-PartisanshipForget "reaching across the aisle." Let's do away with the aisle. The two-party system has nearly bankrupted American politics by favoring party power over public good. If there are good ideas from the Right, I want them. If there are good ideas from the Left, I want them. If ever there was an opportunity to replace Partisan Politics with Smart Politics, now is the time.The Return of RealityMore than anything, I hope for an end to that other Bush Doctrine of ignoring reality in favor of expedient fantasy. No matter how painful the facts on the ground, I want a President with the courage to face them as they are. You can only ignore reality for so long before it bites back.


And Now For the Bad News


3 Things That Have Surprised Me About This Election