Cough It Up, People!

Oh, how I tried to stay away. From this blog. From politics. I even went all the way to England and France for 5 weeks just to avoid it. I am above American politics, you see. The endless bickering, the misogynist character slander, the pettiness. Not for me, thanks. I'm meta. I reserve the shining light of my superior intellect for the analysis of meta-cultural phenomena only.But then Hillary had to go and win NH despite (or because of) being reduced to tears by the endless mean-spirited personal attacks against her.I'm sorry, but I just can't stay silent.People (on the Right, on the Left, oh and all you so-called feminists as well), get over it. Hillary Rodham Clinton is running for president, she might win, and, yes, she has boobs. Can we move on? Please?If I have to listen to one more Lefty feminist complaining that Hillary is not feminist enough, I'm going to puke. Is Edwards more feminist? Obama? Do you honestly believe that if Hillary even mentioned the word feminism, she would ever be elected in this Battle of the Sexes-obsessed country? Get real. Hillary Clinton is feminism. She doesn't have to talk about it.What we have here, in this bizarre, protracted witch-burning, is a collective airing of our nation's unadulterated insanity on the subject of women. Hillary is a stand-in for all of our collective insecurities. Some amazonian paranoia of the rise of an infernal matriarchy (that perhaps we suspect already exists beneath the surface). And moreover, it is a playing field for women's defeatist bickering about which type of woman is the correct type of woman. So, we're supposed to hate Hillary because she got where she is through marriage. Why? Because, after all, you and I didn't get where we are through marriage. And, god forbid, any woman be different from us. We're all supposed to be exactly identical. And when we discover that some women out there have the gall, the unmitigated cheek, to be different from us, we must engage in a national debate about it.What a colossal waste of energy. What a distraction.So, I say, go Hillary. Campaign your bleeding heart out. Are you the best candidate among the democrats? Maybe. Maybe not. To be honest, a dirty sock would be an improvement over what we have now. But I hope you stick it out to the bitter end because we must--absolutely must--get past this moment. We must, one day, elect our first female president. It's going to hurt. It's going to choke us. But we simply must cough up this hairball so that we can at last move on.


Monkey Justice


I'm on strike!