Arm or Impeach?
If I've read things correctly, the US is about to funnel $50 billion in high-tech weaponry to the Middle East over the next ten years. Why? Apparently there's not enough death and chaos over there. To counteract a strengthening Iran, the Bush Administration wants to bolster our "moderate" allies the Saudis by selling them $20 billion in "missile guidance systems, upgraded fighter jets and naval ships." Then to assuage Israel's understandable concerns about a Saudi Arabia armed to the teeth, we are going to give Israel $20 billion in military aid, much more than we currently give them.Exqueese me, but isn't this precisely how Iraq became a military threat? Because we armed Saddam Hussein as a bulwark against Iran?Is there a foreign policy logic under which this makes any sense at all? Is the Bush Administration trying to bring about Armageddon and the ensuing rapture while Bush is still in office?In a related note, globe-trotting genius Erica DePiero has authored a very brilliant letter to Nancy Pelosi urging impeachment. I include it verbatim below. Read, cut, copy and paste at will.(With copy to President George Bush, Senators Hillary Clinton, Charles Shumer,Edward Kennedy and John Kerry; Representative Edolphus Towns; friends and family)Dear Speaker of the House,As the most powerful member of Congress, it is your duty to uphold the Constitution.May I respectfully remind you that the Founding Fathers designed the triage of ourgovernment so that each branch would check and balance the power of another branch.The Legislative branch of our government has failed to check the powers of theExecutive branch and has thereby allowed actions that actually violate theConstitution and put the people of this great country at risk. Specifically:- Erroneous information was used to launch an offensive attack on a sovereign nation;- The use of torture has been condoned and people held illegally without trial;- The authorization of illegal wiretapping of US citizens.Although Congress has shamefully refused to use it's inherent powers to check thisunconstitutional behavior, the Constitution allows one final action to nullify theseacts - impeachment.You have taken a duty to uphold the law of this land. The law has clearly,brazenly, been broken. It is not your right to choose whether to pursue legalaction or, as you say, "take impeachment off the table." In fact, it is YOUR JOB,to begin investigative proceedings. To allow these criminal acts to go unchallengedwould set a dangerous precedence that would upset the very balance of our governmentand the stability of our nation.You will have my full support should you decide to proceed with impeachment hearings.Sincerely,Erica DePieroFormerly of Massachusettsp.s. friends and family, you are copied here to urge you to be an active citizen.go to to write your representatives.