Pants On Fire
Christie Todd Whitman is a liar. A dirty, traitorous liar, who should be doubly ashamed because, as a tri-stater, she endangered the lives of her own neighbors. All for the sake of bowing down to a collection of lying nitwits in the White House who wanted to "speak with one voice." What did that one voice say? "The air is safe. Go home. Stop freaking out the rest of the nation."How about this for a voice:The truth.The air at Ground Zero was not safe when Whitman said it was. Her own agency came to this conclusion. And as for not being able to "force" rescue workers to wear protective gear. Give me a break. Walk by any "hard hat area" in the city where dangerous construction work is underway and you will not see "voluntary compliance." Or if you do it's at one-hundred percent. Whitman and her E.P.A. sacrificed the lives and health of New Yorkers so the White House could appease the nation. Plain and simple. But she has taken a lesson from the White House and simply refused to admit what is plain for everyone to see, going so far as to claim to be "unaware" of reports her own agency issued. This is life in the age of psychedelic politics. Reality is whatever you want it to be. Whatever you need it to be.She should be forced to live in a shack at Ground Zero while the rebuilding is underway.