Joke Legislation
This is either ingenius or naively dangerous. You decide.In July 2006, a Washington State Supreme Court judge ruled in Anderson Vs. King County that a “legitimate state interest†allows the Legislature to limit marriage to couples able to conceive children. Because of this “legitimate state interest,†the judge ruled it was permissible to bar same-sex couples from getting married.In response to the above, a group calling itself the Washington Defense of Marriage Alliance is making their own Swiftian proposal by taking the above logic to its absurd extreme.They are putting forth Initiative 957 which would require couples married in Washington to provide "proof of procreation" within three years or have their marriage automatically anulled.Their hope is to lure conservatives into voting for the initiative in the hope that the Supreme Court will strike it down and weaken the original Andersen ruling.Okay, they get points for originality I guess, but what if the thing passes and the Supreme Court does not strike it down? I mean what if the "Deliberate Childlessness" people get on board?I guess my question is this: In an already absurd world, will the absurdity of Initiative 957 even be recognized?I guess we'll have to wait and see. In the meantime, I thought it would be fun to brainstorm other Swiftian initiatives such as:The Mandatory Monthly Ultrasound, which would require all pre-menopausal women to submit a monthly ultrasound verifying the presence or absence of a fetus in order to determine her Constitutional status.Please add your own.