Golden Globes Shmolden Shmobes
I watch neither the Golden Globes nor the Oscars because:A) I usually haven't seen anything nominatedB) I'd rather have my appendix rupture than watch rich, beautiful famous people congratulate each other for marginal accomplishmentsC) Nobody dresses right anymore.As a result I have precious little to say about the winners and losers of last night's celebrity back-patting festival. I have, in fact, only one opinion on the whole shebang:No nomination for Battlestar Galactica? Exqueese me?I'm near the end of Season 2, which I've been watching on DVD, and holy robots, what an amazing show it is. I admit the first season only occasionally rose above decent (I'd give it a B overall) but now that the writers have settled in a bit, it's like a punch in the gut every episode (in a good way, I mean). The characters are believable and complex with intriguingly twisted relationships. The long arc concerning what the Cylons are really after has even me stumped and I consider myself practically an expert on the nefarious motives of humanity's future AI offspring. And nearly every episode riffs on a political theme currently rippling through the world we actually live in.But then I don't think Buffy ever won a shiny trophy and you don't want to get me started on Buffy.I guess it probably comes down to old-fashioned genre prejudice, a subject I've already addressed in this blog and don't feel like whining about again. But if you're not already hooked, do yourselves a favor and put it on your Netflix list.