The Radio Show and Russia
2 quick bits of news.The live on-air savaging, I mean critiquing, of Kris Dikeman's story, "Grandma's Cat and the Battle of Trafalgar" went swimmingly. You can stream the whole radio show here by clicking on Hour of the Wolf for September 2, 2006.For the impatient, my intro comes in at 27:06. Kris reads her utterly wonderful story at 41:53. And my critique begins at 1:20:16.It was a great show. Kris turns out to be a hell of a live reader and host, Jim Freund, was charming and entertaining.Also, my story "Sheila," which originally appeared in Interzone and is now out in Year's Best SF, is being translated into Russian for the magazine Esli. According to Wiki, Esli won the European Science Fiction Award for best science fiction magazine in 2000.